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lunes, 27 de junio de 2016

Sepultura - Schizophrenia (1987) [MEGA]

Banda/Band: Sepultura
Género/Genre: Thrash Metal
País/Country: Brazil

Año/Year: 1987

1. Intro
2. From the Past Comes the Storms
3. To the Wall
4. Escape to the Void
5. Inquisition Symphony
6. Screams Behind the Shadows
7. Septic Schizo
8. The Abyss
9. R.I.P. (Rest in Pain)
10. Troops of Doom 

11 comentarios:

  1. Looking for natural medicine to schizophrenia without any side effect Dr. Williams is the best because it has no side effect, After my son being diagnosed of schizophrenia in 2010, I have used numerous medicine for him with no improvement. He spent most of the summer in the hospital. I remember him feeling abandoned and terrified of the many injection needles that seemed necessary to keep him calm. All Western Medicine used in the past did not have any noticeable difference,one day as i was going through the internet i came across so many people with different disease testifying about dr williams herbal remedies,i ordered for it on line,that's when he started using dr williams Herbal Medicine,and now is completely cured from schizophrenia , his medicine is a permanent cure to schizophrenia, for more info contact ( for advice and for his product

    1. I’m so appreciative for this type of platform, it gives us all opportunity to openly share our experiences without fear of shame. It is no longer a news that there is permanent cure to schizophrenia with CONSUMMO. I would like to share our daughter's experiences with schizophrenia so that others experiencing the same thing can read the blog and find comfort knowing they are not alone, and possibly hope and faith in knowing that they can also be cure someday using CONSUMMO. Every family that has a mentally ill child needs help. And the only way to do this is to create awareness. My daughter was diagnosed of schizophrenia 15 years ago. Her first noticeable symptoms was at 18. It wasn’t an easy trip. She was labelled as having persecurtory delusions, auditory hallucinations and negative symptoms. She normally hear commands being unbearably loud, telling her to harm herself including me and other people. Most violence committed by the severely mentally ill is committed against themselves. Suddenly she had no friends, she was neglected badly and sectioned as a danger to self. She is a very kind and compassionate girl but schizophrenia wouldn't just let her function normally. We tried to help, took her to different psychiatrist, change her med. with no difference, some work with severe complications. Over the previous of four years I had spent more time in hospital than out of hospital. We were told about Consummo 4years ago but my daughter wouldn't just agree to take any medicine. It's been difficult and humbling, but we're proud that we've done it all to save her.I wouldn't have given up my daughter if she had leukemia. So why would I give up custody for mental illness? There is no bounds to my love for her. After much persuasion, she sign herself into using CONSUMMO treatment. I find it to be a very effective medication. Within months of using it, she could think more clearly. Through it all, Dr Justin has been our rock, encouraging me that it will work out. It been 8months now since my daughter is well. She has grown as a person in all facets of life. She more compassionate, intelligent, wise, sociable, and actionable! She now run her own business! It’s great.

      I will advice you to visit this blog, And if you have used this medicine, I will advice you create an awareness to help others. Thank you.

    2. Hi Morgan, It is so nice to hear that your daughter is well, my sister has schizophrenia for several years and she needs help, could you please send me more information about Dr. Justin how can I reach him? and what the cost of CONSUMMO treatment?

    3. Fuck you, what's the relation with the fokin THRASH METAL BAND sepultura? Fuck your fake daughter, mr clicbait. Consume my fokin dick, you and your cunt daughter.

    I can’t believe that my SCHIZOPHRENIA is really cured. is by this time last year I start feeling bad about my life, I feel pain everyday of my life but am very happy now that am really cured I couldn’t have done this on my own. I was searching the internet about this sickness last months when I found about the great Dr Williams,on how he have be helping people with different types of disease with his herbal portion. I wrote to Dr Williams 'on his email about my problem, immediately I got a reply from him asking me to fill a form which I immediately did and send back to him, after some minutes he reply me that he have work on my cure that I need to provide some materials which can enable him to work on my cure which I did on the next day of it, after some hours he inform me that he has gotten the things needed for the preparation of the herbal medication that will cure me compliantly from SCHIZOPHRENIA. After he finish preparing the medication, he send it to me and also gave me instructions on how i will be taking the medication. I did exactly as instructed and behold, after 4Weeks my SCHIZOPHRENIA VIRUS got cured. I cant believe I was negative a big thanks to him, am very happy now with my family. you can also get your self cured too from this sickness by contacting him through his email: DRWILLIAMS098675@GMAIL.COM for advice and for his product

  3. Am one of the happiest Father on earth,My son onces suffered from the problem Schizophrenia which made him not to go to school,and that was killing his educational carrier.he can not control his emotions,always having nosies on his head affect how he thinks, feels and acts,he has taken different medication,but no cure,then i got the contact of a doctor who helped my son. he gave me the medication which my son used, he took the medication for two weeks,and that was the end of the problem.he can now control his emotions,no more severely distorted self-image and feeling worthless acts, his thinking is normal and no more voices on his head any more.any one that need his medication should contact the Doctor on or Whatsapp him on +1(518) 675-6082 .

  4. Looking for natural medicine to schizophrenia without any side effect Dr. Williams is the best because it has no side effect, After my son being diagnosed of schizophrenia in 2010, I have used numerous medicine for him with no improvement. He spent most of the summer in the hospital. I remember him feeling abandoned and terrified of the many injection needles that seemed necessary to keep him calm. All Western Medicine used in the past did not have any noticeable difference,one day as i was going through the internet i came across so many people with different disease testifying about dr williams herbal remedies,i ordered for it on line,that's when he started using dr williams Herbal Medicine,and now is completely cured from schizophrenia , his medicine is a permanent cure to schizophrenia, for more info contact ( for advice and for his product


    To everyone of you reading this, I pray to God you find breakthrough someday like I did. It’s not longer news that the stigma and discrimination attached to having a mental illness is harder to cope with than the illness itself. Yes, when I had Schizophrenia for 23years, there is never a time I was perceived as being a gentle caring person. I developed schizophrenia so early and the changes were difficult to measure. Horrible Voices, mood swings and delusions and hallucinations play out their effect on me so constantly that they became part of the essence of who I am. I felt something I could not publicly air, it’s nothing anyway; we all have overt or latent prejudices. I spent so much time in and out of psychiatric wards. It was not easy I must confess. I can't think of a time when I wasn't plagued with hallucinations, delusions, and paranoia. At times, I feel like the operator in my brain just doesn't get the message to the right people. It can be very confusing to have to deal with different people in my head. When I become fragmented in my thinking, I start to have my worst problems. I was hospitalized because of this illness many times, sometimes for as long as 3 to 5 months. I began wearing the same clothes each day and seldom bathed. I remember telling my colleagues at my work place that the world is coming to an end; we should take some months off so we can bring it back. Any contribution they have, it should be in writing because there are cameras everywhere. It was funny how no other person knows this except me, yet no one seems to look at things from my point. I was in this lake for years; I thought I was never going to live happy again because I scared almost everyone close to me away. To surmount the whole story, I came across a testimony of someone who had similar symptoms, she understood so well that she made me find reasons to get rid of it by using Herbal medicine, she also promise to refund my money if it doesn't work. Surprisingly, the amount I was charged isn't half the money I have spent on drugs most especially, Clozaril which I was told never to take a day off without. I placed my order for HIPPOSSIMA, from my finding that is the name of the Herbal medicine. It was a miracle how the symptoms drastically reduced just after 5weeks of use. Today, my schizophrenic story is now history. For inquiries, you can reach the doctor via: Or visit: I made it thru and so can you! Though it is not easy, but it’s worth fighting for.


    1. Hay que agradecerle a brasil darnos está joya y la cantidad de bandas de nivel, como speedkiller, spiritual hate, pesta, patria, the evil, the troops of doom además de las clasicas sepultura, sarcofago.

  7. Gracias por subirlo.
    Saludos desde Monte Grande, Buenos Aires!
